DI, Romina, Math Counts...

DI, Romina, Math Counts...
Are you ready for a great year? Let's shoot for the stars!

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010


The Time Capsule. Miss Nancy had the honor to lead more than 600 students in a parade in the soccer field. Very emotional....


Math Count Winners 2010
Tournament was held on February 6, 2010 at American School Foundation. Colegio San Patricio participated for the first time and won many recognitions like being in the TOP TEN BEST students among 150 from 12 schools winning 1st and 2nd place in teams and many more. We are so proud of great Math Athletes.Keep Up the good work.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Romina, the French Poodle Puppy

Thank you Miss Nancy for bringing Romina to school. Students enjoyed reading stories to her!

Math Counts

We are excited about our upcoming participation in the local, national and international competition. Thank you Miss Nancy for coordinating this program and to the Math coaches, Mr. Joshua and Mrs. Marisa for putting in extra hours to work with the students.

Destination Imagination to Tennessee!

All our teams won and we are going to Tennessee! Thank you Ms Nancy for inspiring students and team leaders to give the best of themselves and demanding high quality performance. Thank you Mrs. Magda, Mrs. Sandy, Mrs. Diana Solar, Miss Monica Almaguer, Mrs. Nora, Mrs. Iris, Mrs. Gaby Daued, Erick Hinojosa, Mrs. Mary Marks for being there and encouraging the teams. Thank you parents for your support!

Global Finals - Destination Imagination

A sneak peek in Tennessee! (Pics from DI official website)

Destination Imagination

Thank you team manager, Miss Nancy Ríos, and team leaders: Sandy Marks, Gaby Daued, Iris González, Nora González. We gave our teams a positive send off to Knoxville, Tennessee